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A student? In this economy? 🧑‍🎓

Writer's picture: LeaLea

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

Huh, I guess there are firsts to everything. Welcome, to my first blog ever!

I am a student again. And it makes me so happy I could, really, I almost cried like five times last week. Because after a long time, I am starting to feel like I belong again. I got my Bc. in International Relations at MUNI, FSS in the spring of 2020. I knew it wasn't my cup of tea. But I didn't know what other options I had. I just knew I wanted to do something connected to education and games. And then I found KISK.

When I say I study Information Science most people have no clue what I'm talking about (nothing new here tho, try telling people you studied International Relations, I dare you). So what am I studying exactly? Well, did you ever wonder how exactly are we learning new things? Or why are we even seeking information? Or how new technologies can help with teaching and learning things more effectively? Because I for sure did! And KISK, or the Department of Information and Library Studies, is a place where I can learn all this and much more.

For the next two years, I want to learn how people learn. I want to learn how to design effective educational processes in offline and online spaces, and how new technologies can enhance them. I also want to learn how to create better educational games and games with social impact. That is why on top of studying at KISK, I plan to take Game Studies classes offered at MUNI.

No worries, I will keep you posted. I have added a new subpage where I will share my study plans and reflections with you (I kinda have to do it for school, but I also think I will enjoy it very much). I am also starting something a bit more personal - this blog, where I will be sharing my thoughts and ideas with anyone willing to listen.

But… Why would I put all of this in my work portfolio? Well, even tho I now know my path, I am still looking for my place in this universe… And this is what makes me me. And even though it might seem that work gives people meaning, as I learned from Tammy Westergard last week, it is not all there is to life and never will be. And that is why I became a student in this economy.

I hope you will enjoy my journey, and please get in touch with me if you find anything that piques your interest, I love to talk.

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