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KISK: Levelling Up 🌟

In case you stumbled here unintentionally or out of curiosity, this subpage is dedicated to my master studies of Information Studies and Librarianship at MUNI

What is all this you might ask? I will explain everything in due time, but first a little history lesson.

KISK: Text

🧚🏻 Character Background

I am the one who wants to know it all. To explore, to observe to create, to understand. That led me to study International Relations at the Faculty of Social Studies at MUNI back when I was 18. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but it equipped me with the complex knowledge of our history and the tools to understand how this world works on the systemic level. However, it didn’t help me understand how humans work. And that is why I decided to study Information Science at KISK starting Spring 2022.​

🔥 Time to Multiclass

I’ve always had trouble labeling myself. Being interested in so many things meant I couldn’t just say that I am a game designer, or a content creator, or a maker. KISK gives me the space to merge my passions for education, technologies, innovation and games, without the need to put myself in any box.

⚔️ Main Quests

During my studies I want to focus on the potential and pitfalls of using games in education, making serious games and games for change, usage of new technologies such as VR, AR and 3D printing in education, and knowledge transfer in game dev.

🔫 Side Quests

I am also interested in open source approach to education, life-long learning and learning experience design, communities and change focused transition and speculative design.

KISK: List

Autumn Semester 2023 🎃

My plans for this semester

How to teach and design learning

I am very much looking forward for the Introduction to Facilitation workshop hosted by NaZemi this semester as well as the Learning Designer Practicum course taught by my friend Anka. I am excited to learn from such skilled people who are passionate about what they are doing. Both classes seem very practical, I like that a lot about KISK.

Thesis, thesis and more thesis

I failed the Thesis Seminar... again... Therefore I am taking the second one focusing on writing the project... again. But it is nothing to be ashamed of. I went through a lot of changes in my personal and professional life and have been dealing with a lot of physical and mental health issues last semester, leaving no time to focus on my thesis. Wish me luck, I have to finish the project this semester or else, so I will need it.


One of my favourite classes I am taking this semester is Community Curatorship. I have been delving into community building and creating more and more, so I am glad that this course will provide me with a space to reflect on this topic and also learn more theory surrounding this topic. I am planning to map and share my findings (we sorta have to, but I love it). There is also an expedition planned!

The compulsory stuff

Last three compulsory classes - Organization of Knowledge, Information Policy and Management and Society, Technologies and Cultural Area. The last one I already passed before the start of semester and it was a-mazing! I am most curious about Organization of Knowledge, but I am unfortunately having some doubts about the teacher from what I heard from my classmates. As for the Information Policy and Management I have no expectations.


Spring Semester 2023 🌱

My plans for this semester

Time to be practical

This semester I am taking more practical classes - I decided to take the Project Management class since it is one of the career paths I am considering right now and even though I managed a couple of teams and projects already, I never took a formal project management class. The second practical class I am taking is Service Design Workshop where we will be working in teams with Czech institutions to provide actual solutions for their very real problems.

Thesis, thesis and more thesis

Thesis Seminar is getting serious - this semester we have to decide on the topic of our thesis and submit it to IS and writhe a project that will lead us through writing the thesis later. I am a bit scared but at least I have the deadlines to keep me on track.

Literature and librarianship

I guess literature-focused classes cannot be avoided - this semester I am taking the Literature, Culture, and Humanities class and I have no clue what to expect.

Between fun and seriousness

I decided to take things slowly this semester so I am only taking the necessary amount of classes in order to move to the next semester. The very last class I will be taking is Summer School: Masterclass and I am looking forward to it.


🌱Want to know more about how my third semester at KISK went?🌱

Recap & Portfolio coming soon!

KISK: Text

Autumn Semester 2022 🍁

My plans for this semester

Even more KISK

This semester I am taking a compulsory Information Science class and re-taking the Thesis Seminar. It feels a little bit strange to be welcomed as a new student after already being here for a semester, but all the welcoming and networking is very nice at the same time 

Getting better at designing

This semester I am taking not one, not two but THREE design courses at KISK. In Game Design I we are designing a board game in teams, Design in Context opens up new ways of designing for me and Design of Information Services, Interface and Interactions focuses on design basics. I am enjoying all of these classes very much.

Literature and librarianship

Literature, Market, and Library Processes class is a little bit outside of my area of intereste, but thanks to this class I learned interesting things about things such as authorship, book market the present and the future of libraries from leading librarianship figures.

Online learning and communities

In the end I had to drop DigCompEdu: Technologies in Education class because of time issues and KISK Discord (or as I like to call it: KISKord) is slowly taking off thanks to my extremely talented schoolmates.


🍁Want to know more about how my second semester at KISK went?🍁

KISK: Text

Spring Semester 2022 🌸

My plans for this semester

KISK as a phenomenon

Apart from skimming Introduction to Information Science by Bawden and Robinson, I have no prior insight into the complex and interdisciplinary field of information sicence. 

Therefore my main classes for this semester include Master Thesis Seminar, Information Behaviour, Learning Society, Design of the Educational Process and Librarian English.


Unfortunately, I didn’t get to experience much of that nice feeling of belonging to a community during my bachelor studies because of the nature of IR studies at FSS.

I am happy that KISK gives us huge amount of opportunities to connect with each other, one them being a weeklong Summer School: Master Course filled with lovely topics such as Metaverse or Technologies, wellbeing and mental health.

Trends and innovation

I love learning from people that are experts in their field and from people outside of the academic sphere.

Naturally, I couldn’t resist the Expert Block class where people from different backgrounds and fields come and talk about their work and experience. You can later learn more about the topics from my digital artefacts that will soon be added to my portfolio.

Everyone can make games

Since my main focus is on game making and game dev, I am supplementing my KISK education with the Digital Games Prototyping class.

The class is focusing on the introduction of different game-making tools to people with no prior programming knowledge. Each week a new tool is introduced and we make games together. 


🌸Want to know more about how my first semester at KISK went?🌸

KISK: Text

©2023 by Lea Belejová

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